Source Media: From Traditional Video to AI-Enhanced Production

Source Media: From Traditional Video to AI-Enhanced Production

The Challenge:

Chris from Source Media, a veteran in video production with 21 years of experience, was looking to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. Despite their expertise, they needed to integrate cutting-edge AI tools to maintain their competitive edge and fix some technical issues on their website.

Our Approach:

We didn't just introduce new tools; we opened up a world of AI-powered creativity and efficiency.

AI-Enhanced Video Production:

  • Showcased emerging AI features in Adobe's suite for streamlined editing and effects
  • Introduced Midjourney and other image and video generation tools for generating unique visual concepts and storyboards

Website Optimisation:

  • Identified and addressed CSS stylesheet errors causing minor text overlap issues
  • Improved overall user experience and professionalism of their online presence

Future-Proofing Strategy:

  • Developed a roadmap for integrating AI tools into their existing workflow
  • Explored voice-to-text transcription for long interview subtitle generation

The Impact (So Far):

  • CSS errors on the website identified and solutions in progress
  • Initial exploration of AI tools in Adobe suite completed
  • Midjourney integration conceptualised for pre-production phase

Chris's Take:

"Tech Horizon Labs has opened our eyes to the potential of AI in video production. We're excited to blend our years of experience with these cutting-edge tools. The website fixes alone have already improved our online presence."

The Road Ahead:

  • Complete implementation of website fixes for a flawless user experience
  • Hands-on training sessions for the Source Media team on new AI tools
  • Exploration of AI-driven content personalisation for client projects
  • Development of an AI-enhanced workflow for faster turnaround times
  • Investigation into AI-powered video analytics for deeper client insights

Bottom Line:

We're transforming Source Media from a traditional video production company into an AI-enhanced creative powerhouse. By addressing immediate technical issues and introducing future-focused AI tools, we're not just solving today's problems – we're setting them up to lead the next wave of video production innovation on the Sunshine Coast and beyond. This fusion of seasoned expertise and cutting-edge technology promises to keep Source Media at the forefront of their industry for years to come.

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